While working on spaceAPI widget for n900 I found very useful app that did the trick within few taps. Of course it’s not 100% what I had in mind (widget with notification whether the hacklab is open applicable to any … Continue reading →
#slug - July in Lag
HITB 2014
#slug - June in Lag
#slug - 31st May- Lag closed!
Due to Queeristan 2014 taking place in the Binnenpret and thus using our space we are closed on saturday. If you’re interested in the Queeristan check their website for program etc. queeristan.org/
#slug - 3D printing in Lag
Hacker place without 3D printer is so 2007. For quite a while our 3D printer was collecting dust until someone sat down and spend some time getting the software and the printer itself to work. Now we are at the … Continue reading →
Hack in The Box + Gratis Haxpo: 28, 29 30 mei

Dit jaar organiseert Hack in The Box naast de security conferentie een gratis side-event genaamd Haxpo. Haxpo komt van “Haxpositie” waarbij meer dan 40 communites, hackerspaces, technologie bedrijven en hackers hun projecten en werkzaamheden laten zien. Dit jaar zijn de hackerspaces Randomdata, Sk1llz, Hack42, Bitlair en Tech-inc als hackerspace aanwezig, maar ook partijen als Awesomeretro, …