Update #3 The floor is lava! ( no it aint, but hey it sounds awesome! )
The last couple of days we have used our time wisely! on Kingsday we were placing and creating walls and frames on the first floor, Then when we met again on wednesday we prepared some more and had an awesome (pixel-)barbeque, made more idea’s an thought of constructions. Thursday was a national holiday in the netherlands, because it was “bevrijdingsdag” or Liberation Day. Since we all had a day off from work we decided to do some more work.
Where are we now
The last couple of days were ideal to work in the space, a lot had to be done and a lot of help was received from participants and friends. As of now we can say, the floor is getting somewhere. One of our participants, Pim made load calculations of what the floor should, could and also could not handle. This resulted in some very nice pictures and a clear view of where to start.
On Friday Pim and Miep joined forces and started working on the frame to support our false floor. We had decided on creating a false floor because of the very cold concrete in our space. This would be very welcome in the summer, but it would also be way too cold in the winter to work on your projects. As you will see in the pictures, we covered almost 1/3th of the space with the frame.
David and Juerd continued working on the frames which were needed to create the walls upstairs. In the short amount of time, all the frames were fixed, Thanks Juerd!!
Meanwhile Dennus had made a door for our closet. which looks like a nice piece of craftmanship. If you would ever need a door, just give a call. He might be in town to help you out!
As we can say after the last couple of days, the Pixelbar participants rock! much work is done, and we now know the rest of the work will also be done by creative, technical and driven people.
Today, 8Th of May, some of our participants are in the hackerspace again. If you want to help us building our( and maybe even your ) new hackerspace. You are very welcome! Just check our site, twitter or chat for the “Pixelbar is Open!” messages. Since last friday the spacestate is working correctly again!
Next build meetup
This weekend, on Saturday 30th of April we will be back at Pixelbar to continue our work. The additional wood has arrived and we are really looking forward to continue building Pixelbar!. If you are around, feel free to drop by. ( but note, we might ask you to help us 😉 ).
Complimentary Videos
We have created 2 small video’s of the ground floor and first floor. You will find them on our facebook page, or just directly below.
I want more info!
Do you want to know all about our new hackerspace ? Please look over here.
Feel free to send us advice or, even more important help us building the new space. We are nowhere without help from our participants and our friends. We try to keep the Wiki as up-to-date as possible. When we have final dates for building the construction we will also send out an email to our mailinglist which you can join here.
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