RevSpace - IJscrisis
pixelbar - Buildlog new space part 5
Update #5 Hacking confirmed!
Since our last post, pretty much everything has changed. At least, as far as it concerns our hacking/building ratio. We even had some time to do some hacking, tinkering and soldering, Nice!
The walls downstairs are allmost completely done, so we continued upstairs. After some carefull planning to get the forklift in the smallest spaces we allmost made it to the ceiling. The last part of the walls upstairs will be left open for now, leaving some space for a “led-enabled” rooftop. thought of a very nice idea which would completely cover up the entire ceiling, making sure none of the industrial ceiling will be visible anymore. Offcourse we will update you with pic’s when it is done. We have also installed lockers for our participants to leave their projects and personal tools in the hackerspace. Every full member will get a locker until they are all gone.
At the 27th of June, we had a small hacking day. Just a day without hammers, drills and screws. We started with some nice projects. Pim and David even started building some nice electronic kits. Miep was doing weird stuff with a SDR dongle and a raspberrypi 3 and Cookingroffa created her own temperature regulator for some awesome food hacking tools. Needless to say, the day was a great success and the start of the “Yay! we’re getting there” feeling in and around the space.
Next wednesday will be a busy evening, since it is getting very close to the holidays. If you are around and want to get a nice peek inside Pixelbar, we’ll be there around 19:00. After this week, some of our members will attend summercamps and events like EMF-Camp and CampZone. Will we see you there ? Most of our members who attend CampZone will bring loads of tinkering stuffs with them. We will update you if awesome projects are created, after the holidays we will try to bring most of the projects to Pixelbar so they are visible for everyone in real life.
Because of the holidays there is a small possibility nobody attends Pixelbar during our weekly meetups on Wednesdays. Please check our website for the current spacestate, follow @pixelbar010 on twitter or subscribe to our Pushover group to get Push messages when we are open!
Altijd al willen weten hoe je moet leren hacken? Ben je in de problemen gekomen met hacking en wil je graag leren hoe je zaken ethisch moet aanpakken? Of ben je iemand die anderen wilt opleiden om te leren hacken? Kom dan nu buurten op het nieuwe Nederlandse platform voor beginnende jonge hackers:
TDvenlo – Hackerspace - Seizoensafsluiting
Helaas, helaas, de zomervakantie staat weer voor de deur. En dat betekent dat wij een aantal weken de deur gaan sluiten. Vrijdag 22 juli 2016 hebben we de laatste clubavond voor de zomervakantie. Vooralsnog staat de start van het nieuwe seizoen gepland voor vrijdag 9 september 2016. Hopelijk zien we iedereen dan weer vol enthousiasme … Continue reading Seizoensafsluiting →
Frack - Arduino cursus voor beginners
Donderdag 28 juli gaat er weer een arduino cursus van start! Heb je al vaak over Arduino gehoord maar ben je nog nooit begonnen? Wil je altijd al een projectje doen maar ontbreekt het aan kennis? Doe dan nu mee aan onze workshop ‘Arduino voor beginners’ en leer wat een Arduino is, welke software je […]
Bitlair - Bitlair kleding
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