2011/05/25 – Zoals jullie mogelijk al weten, is de Amersfoortse hackerspace Bitlair open en actief
Om dit te vieren hebben we een openingsfeest met barbeque georganiseerd! Kom dus langs en breng vrienden en mooi weer mee.
Onze hack…
Category «Hackerspaces»
Bitlair Nieuws - Nieuws/Openingsfeest
2011/05/25 – Zoals jullie mogelijk al weten, is de Amersfoortse hackerspace Bitlair open en actief
Om dit te vieren hebben we een openingsfeest met barbeque georganiseerd! Kom dus langs en breng vrienden en mooi weer mee.
Onze hack…
Bitlair Nieuws - Nieuws/Bookcrossing
2011/07/11 – Wij zijn tegenwoordig ook een Book Crossing zone
Special tnx aan gmc voor het registreren en mee nemen van alle boeken.
Bitlair Nieuws - Nieuws/Bookcrossing
2011/07/11 – Wij zijn tegenwoordig ook een Book Crossing zone
Special tnx aan gmc voor het registreren en mee nemen van alle boeken.
Bitlair Nieuws - Nieuws/CCCamp2011
2011/10/24 – In case anyone missed it, we’re open again!
We’ve had some incredible weeks.. we have great personalised T-shirts now, our projects are progressing very well and most importantly: We’ve been to the Chaos Communication Camp 2011, organised by the Chaos Computer Club in Germany.
Bitlair was represented in the Mononoke tent and we’ve been very busy making the Chaos Communication Camp even cooler than it originally was. With eth0, HXX and Awesome Retro we’ve had at least 3 lorry’s, 2 minivans and a trailer full of stuff to bring to Finowfurt, near Berlin, Germany.
Hobbybob brought 3 of his epic lasers. He made friends with some laser enthusiasts from London and they also made one RGB laser available. The lasers were visible across the entire camp site and as a result there are very few photo collections of CCCamp11 without pictures of the lasers, but my favourite collection is Zarya’s:
AK47 and me (Wilco) were mostly helping out Stitch at Awesome Retro Gaming, which had a very cool tent as well at Hx2 (pronounced hack-square). We were able to switch nearly all consoles to nearly every output device, we had 6 active beamers and a lot of people playing oldschool games. See for more details. They will be at other events, so don’t worry if you missed it, you’ll get your shot!
Elmo unfortunately broke his foot while connecting the trailer so we made sure he had to do very little, but he still made some excellent and invaluable equipment available and helped us set up the Awesome Retro Gaming online streams. We were streaming a split screen of 4 consoles which were mostly connected to the beamers and an dome camera overview of the tent.
Zarya was doing Software Defined Radio and he set up a BBS which may be used as an inter-hackerspace communication platform in the future. Zarya also helped Hobbybob a lot with the lasers and still found time to slack and cook for us (Thank you!).
Eth0 had an impressive lounge tent which was decorated by ArtEvent and nicely fitted with carpets, lackracks and comfortable cushions. If you were looking for pluisje, this is where you could usually find him.
It must be said that ArtEvent really did a very good job of lighting the camp site. There were all kinds of colours and projections on various objects and everything just looked great.
So, now we’re back in the Netherlands, open again, looking back on some great weeks.. and looking forward to do more cool things and looking forward to HAR2: The sequel, where no doubt some of us will help organising it.
Bitlair Nieuws - Nieuws/CCCamp2011
2011/10/24 – In case anyone missed it, we’re open again!
We’ve had some incredible weeks.. we have great personalised T-shirts now, our projects are progressing very well and most importantly: We’ve been to the Chaos Communication Camp 2011, organised by the Chaos Computer Club in Germany.
Bitlair was represented in the Mononoke tent and we’ve been very busy making the Chaos Communication Camp even cooler than it originally was. With eth0, HXX and Awesome Retro we’ve had at least 3 lorry’s, 2 minivans and a trailer full of stuff to bring to Finowfurt, near Berlin, Germany.
Hobbybob brought 3 of his epic lasers. He made friends with some laser enthusiasts from London and they also made one RGB laser available. The lasers were visible across the entire camp site and as a result there are very few photo collections of CCCamp11 without pictures of the lasers, but my favourite collection is Zarya’s:
AK47 and me (Wilco) were mostly helping out Stitch at Awesome Retro Gaming, which had a very cool tent as well at Hx2 (pronounced hack-square). We were able to switch nearly all consoles to nearly every output device, we had 6 active beamers and a lot of people playing oldschool games. See for more details. They will be at other events, so don’t worry if you missed it, you’ll get your shot!
Elmo unfortunately broke his foot while connecting the trailer so we made sure he had to do very little, but he still made some excellent and invaluable equipment available and helped us set up the Awesome Retro Gaming online streams. We were streaming a split screen of 4 consoles which were mostly connected to the beamers and an dome camera overview of the tent.
Zarya was doing Software Defined Radio and he set up a BBS which may be used as an inter-hackerspace communication platform in the future. Zarya also helped Hobbybob a lot with the lasers and still found time to slack and cook for us (Thank you!).
Eth0 had an impressive lounge tent which was decorated by ArtEvent and nicely fitted with carpets, lackracks and comfortable cushions. If you were looking for pluisje, this is where you could usually find him.
It must be said that ArtEvent really did a very good job of lighting the camp site. There were all kinds of colours and projections on various objects and everything just looked great.
So, now we’re back in the Netherlands, open again, looking back on some great weeks.. and looking forward to do more cool things and looking forward to HAR2: The sequel, where no doubt some of us will help organising it.
Bitlair Nieuws - Nieuws/BrandbriefNationaleHackergemeenschapBeveiligingOverheid
2011/09/16 – Zojuist is onderstaande brandbrief in de ronde tafel van de commissie BiZa van de Tweede Kamer uitgereikt
De hackerspaces en organisaties van Nederland spreken zich hier explic…